
发布于:2022-12-10 ⋅ 阅读:(637) ⋅ 点赞:(0)












exif全称Exchangeable Image File,翻译为可交换图像文件。以下内容来自百科。先学习下什么是可交换图像文件。


Exif信息是可以被任意编辑的,因此只有参考的功能。Exif信息以0xFFE1作为开头标记,后两个字节表示Exif信息的长度。所以Exif信息最大为64 kb,而内部采用TIFF格式。



#include <QGeoCoordinate>
#include <QDebug>

#include "GeoTagController.h"
//可交换图像文件(Exchangeable Image File)
class ExifParser
    double readTime(QByteArray& buf);
    bool write(QByteArray& buf, GeoTagWorker::cameraFeedbackPacket& geotag);

#endif // EXIFPARSER_H


#include "ExifParser.h"
#include <math.h>
#include <QtEndian>
#include <QDateTime>





double ExifParser::readTime(QByteArray& buf)
    //标签图像文件格式(Tagged Image File Format,简写为TIFF)是一种灵活的位图格式,主要用来存储包括照片和艺术图在内的图像
    QByteArray tiffHeader("\x49\x49\x2A", 3);

    QByteArray createDateHeader("\x04\x90\x02", 3);

    // find header position
    uint32_t tiffHeaderIndex = buf.indexOf(tiffHeader);

    // find creation date header index
    uint32_t createDateHeaderIndex = buf.indexOf(createDateHeader);

    // extract size of date-time string, -1 accounting for null-termination
    uint32_t* sizeString = reinterpret_cast<uint32_t*>(buf.mid(createDateHeaderIndex + 4, 4).data());
    uint32_t createDateStringSize = qFromLittleEndian(*sizeString) - 1;

    // extract location of date-time string
    uint32_t* dataIndex = reinterpret_cast<uint32_t*>(buf.mid(createDateHeaderIndex + 8, 4).data());
    uint32_t createDateStringDataIndex = qFromLittleEndian(*dataIndex) + tiffHeaderIndex;

    // read out data of create date-time field
    // 读取创建日期-时间字段的数据
    QString createDate = buf.mid(createDateStringDataIndex, createDateStringSize);

    QStringList createDateList = createDate.split(' ');
    if (createDateList.count() < 2) {
        qWarning() << "Could not decode creation time and date: " << createDateList;
        return -1.0;
    QStringList dateList = createDateList[0].split(':');
    if (dateList.count() < 3) {
        qWarning() << "Could not decode creation date: " << dateList;
        return -1.0;
    QStringList timeList = createDateList[1].split(':');
    if (timeList.count() < 3) {
        qWarning() << "Could not decode creation time: " << timeList;
        return -1.0;
    QDate date(dateList[0].toInt(), dateList[1].toInt(), dateList[2].toInt());
    QTime time(timeList[0].toInt(), timeList[1].toInt(), timeList[2].toInt());
    QDateTime tagTime(date, time);
    return tagTime.toMSecsSinceEpoch()/1000.0;

bool ExifParser::write(QByteArray& buf, GeoTagWorker::cameraFeedbackPacket& geotag)
    QByteArray app1Header("\xff\xe1", 2);
    uint32_t app1HeaderInd = buf.indexOf(app1Header);
    uint16_t *conversionPointer = reinterpret_cast<uint16_t *>(buf.mid(app1HeaderInd + 2, 2).data());
    uint16_t app1Size = *conversionPointer;
    uint16_t app1SizeEndian = qFromBigEndian(app1Size) + 0xa5;  // change wrong endian
    QByteArray tiffHeader("\x49\x49\x2A", 3);
    uint32_t tiffHeaderInd = buf.indexOf(tiffHeader);
    conversionPointer = reinterpret_cast<uint16_t *>(buf.mid(tiffHeaderInd + 8, 2).data());
    uint16_t numberOfTiffFields  = *conversionPointer;
    uint32_t nextIfdOffsetInd = tiffHeaderInd + 10 + 12 * (numberOfTiffFields);
    conversionPointer = reinterpret_cast<uint16_t *>(buf.mid(nextIfdOffsetInd, 2).data());
    uint16_t nextIfdOffset = *conversionPointer;

    // Definition of useful unions and structs
    union char2uint32_u {
        char c[4];
        uint32_t i;
    union char2uint16_u {
        char c[2];
        uint16_t i;
    // This struct describes a standart field used in exif files
    struct field_s {
        uint16_t tagID;  // Describes which information is added here, e.g. GPS Lat 描述此处添加的信息,例如GPS Lat
        uint16_t type;  // Describes the data type, e.g. string, uint8_t,...描述数据类型,例如string, uint8_t,..
        uint32_t size;  // Describes the size 描述大小
        uint32_t content;  // Either contains the information, or the offset to the exif header where the information is stored (if 32 bits is not enough)要么包含信息,要么存储信息的exif头的偏移量(如果32位不够的话)
    // This struct contains all the fields that we want to add to the image 这个结构体包含我们想要添加到图像中的所有字段
    struct fields_s {
        field_s gpsVersion; //定位版本
        field_s gpsLatRef;  //维度
        field_s gpsLat;     //维度数据
        field_s gpsLonRef;  //经度
        field_s gpsLon;     //经度数据
        field_s gpsAltRef;
        field_s gpsAlt;
        field_s gpsMapDatum; //gps地图原点
        uint32_t finishedDataField;
    // These are the additional information that can not be put into a single uin32_t 这些附加信息不能放入单个uin32_t中
    struct extended_s {
        uint32_t gpsLat[6];
        uint32_t gpsLon[6];
        uint32_t gpsAlt[2];
        char mapDatum[7];// = {0x57,0x47,0x53,0x2D,0x38,0x34,0x00};
    // This struct contains all the information we want to add to the image 包含上述数据的总得数据结构体
    struct readable_s {
        fields_s fields;
        extended_s extendedData;

    // This union is used because for writing the information we have to use a char array, but we still want the information to be available in a more descriptive way
    // 之所以使用这个联合,是因为在写入信息时必须使用char数组,但我们仍然希望以一种更具描述性的方式提供信息
    union {
        char c[0xa3];
        readable_s readable;
    } gpsData;

    char2uint32_u gpsIFDInd;
    gpsIFDInd.i = nextIfdOffset;

    // this will stay constant  这个会保持不变
    QByteArray gpsInfo("\x25\x88\x04\x00\x01\x00\x00\x00", 8);

    // filling values to gpsData 将值填充到gpsData
    uint32_t gpsDataExtInd = gpsIFDInd.i + 2 + sizeof(fields_s);

    // Filling up the fields with the corresponding values用相应的值填充字段
    gpsData.readable.fields.gpsVersion.tagID = 0;
    gpsData.readable.fields.gpsVersion.type = 1;
    gpsData.readable.fields.gpsVersion.size = 4;
    gpsData.readable.fields.gpsVersion.content = 2;

    gpsData.readable.fields.gpsLatRef.tagID = 1;
    gpsData.readable.fields.gpsLatRef.type = 2;
    gpsData.readable.fields.gpsLatRef.size = 2;
    gpsData.readable.fields.gpsLatRef.content = geotag.latitude > 0 ? 'N' : 'S';

    gpsData.readable.fields.gpsLat.tagID = 2;
    gpsData.readable.fields.gpsLat.type = 5;
    gpsData.readable.fields.gpsLat.size = 3;
    gpsData.readable.fields.gpsLat.content = gpsDataExtInd;

    gpsData.readable.fields.gpsLonRef.tagID = 3;
    gpsData.readable.fields.gpsLonRef.type = 2;
    gpsData.readable.fields.gpsLonRef.size = 2;
    gpsData.readable.fields.gpsLonRef.content = geotag.longitude > 0 ? 'E' : 'W';

    gpsData.readable.fields.gpsLon.tagID = 4;
    gpsData.readable.fields.gpsLon.type = 5;
    gpsData.readable.fields.gpsLon.size = 3;
    gpsData.readable.fields.gpsLon.content = gpsDataExtInd + 6 * 4;

    gpsData.readable.fields.gpsAltRef.tagID = 5;
    gpsData.readable.fields.gpsAltRef.type = 1;
    gpsData.readable.fields.gpsAltRef.size = 1;
    gpsData.readable.fields.gpsAltRef.content = 0x00;

    gpsData.readable.fields.gpsAlt.tagID = 6;
    gpsData.readable.fields.gpsAlt.type = 5;
    gpsData.readable.fields.gpsAlt.size = 1;
    gpsData.readable.fields.gpsAlt.content = gpsDataExtInd + 6 * 4 * 2;

    gpsData.readable.fields.gpsMapDatum.tagID = 18;
    gpsData.readable.fields.gpsMapDatum.type = 2;
    gpsData.readable.fields.gpsMapDatum.size = 7;
    gpsData.readable.fields.gpsMapDatum.content = gpsDataExtInd + 6 * 4 * 2 + 2 * 4;

    gpsData.readable.fields.finishedDataField = 0;

    // Filling up the additional information that does not fit into the fields 填充不符合字段的附加信息
    gpsData.readable.extendedData.gpsLat[0] = abs(static_cast<int>(geotag.latitude));
    gpsData.readable.extendedData.gpsLat[1] = 1;
    gpsData.readable.extendedData.gpsLat[2] = static_cast<int>((fabs(geotag.latitude) - floor(fabs(geotag.latitude))) * 60.0);
    gpsData.readable.extendedData.gpsLat[3] = 1;
    gpsData.readable.extendedData.gpsLat[4] = static_cast<int>((fabs(geotag.latitude) * 60.0 - floor(fabs(geotag.latitude) * 60.0)) * 60000.0);
    gpsData.readable.extendedData.gpsLat[5] = 1000;

    gpsData.readable.extendedData.gpsLon[0] = abs(static_cast<int>(geotag.longitude));
    gpsData.readable.extendedData.gpsLon[1] = 1;
    gpsData.readable.extendedData.gpsLon[2] = static_cast<int>((fabs(geotag.longitude) - floor(fabs(geotag.longitude))) * 60.0);
    gpsData.readable.extendedData.gpsLon[3] = 1;
    gpsData.readable.extendedData.gpsLon[4] = static_cast<int>((fabs(geotag.longitude) * 60.0 - floor(fabs(geotag.longitude) * 60.0)) * 60000.0);
    gpsData.readable.extendedData.gpsLon[5] = 1000;

    gpsData.readable.extendedData.gpsAlt[0] = geotag.altitude * 100;
    gpsData.readable.extendedData.gpsAlt[1] = 100;
    gpsData.readable.extendedData.mapDatum[0] = 'W';
    gpsData.readable.extendedData.mapDatum[1] = 'G';
    gpsData.readable.extendedData.mapDatum[2] = 'S';
    gpsData.readable.extendedData.mapDatum[3] = '-';
    gpsData.readable.extendedData.mapDatum[4] = '8';
    gpsData.readable.extendedData.mapDatum[5] = '4';
    gpsData.readable.extendedData.mapDatum[6] = 0x00;

    // remove 12 spaces from image description, as otherwise we need to loop through every field and correct the new address values
    // 从图像描述中删除12个空格,否则我们需要循环遍历每个字段并纠正新的地址值
    buf.remove(nextIfdOffsetInd + 4, 12);
    // TODO correct size in image description
    // insert Gps Info to image file 插入Gps信息到图像文件
    buf.insert(nextIfdOffsetInd, gpsInfo, 12);
    char numberOfFields[2] = {0x08, 0x00};
    // insert number of gps specific fields that we want to add 插入我们想要添加的GPS特定字段的数量
    buf.insert(gpsIFDInd.i + tiffHeaderInd, numberOfFields, 2);
    // insert the gps data 插入gps数据
    buf.insert(gpsIFDInd.i + 2 + tiffHeaderInd, gpsData.c, 0xa3);

    // update the new file size and exif offsets 更新新的文件大小和exif偏移量
    char2uint16_u converter;
    converter.i = qToBigEndian(app1SizeEndian);
    buf.replace(app1HeaderInd + 2, 2, converter.c, 2);
    converter.i = nextIfdOffset + 12 + 0xa5;
    buf.replace(nextIfdOffsetInd + 12, 2, converter.c, 2);

    converter.i = (numberOfTiffFields) + 1;
    buf.replace(tiffHeaderInd + 8, 2, converter.c, 2);
    return true;



bool ULogParser::getTagsFromLog(QByteArray& log, QList<GeoTagWorker::cameraFeedbackPacket>& cameraFeedback, QString& errorMessage)

    //verify it's an ULog file 验证文件有效性
    if(!log.contains(_ULogMagic)) {
        errorMessage = tr("Could not detect ULog file header magic");
        return false;

    int index = ULOG_FILE_HEADER_LEN;
    bool geotagFound = false;

    while(index < log.count() - 1) {

        ULogMessageHeader header;
        memset(&header, 0, sizeof(header));
        memcpy(&header, log.data() + index, ULOG_MSG_HEADER_LEN);

        switch (header.msgType) {
            case (int)ULogMessageType::FORMAT:
                ULogMessageFormat format_msg;
                memset(&format_msg, 0, sizeof(format_msg));
                memcpy(&format_msg, log.data() + index, ULOG_MSG_HEADER_LEN + header.msgSize);

                QString fmt(format_msg.format);
                int posSeparator = fmt.indexOf(':');
                QString messageName = fmt.left(posSeparator);
                QString messageFields = fmt.mid(posSeparator + 1, header.msgSize - posSeparator - 1);

                if(messageName == QLatin1String("camera_capture")) {

            case (int)ULogMessageType::ADD_LOGGED_MSG:
                ULogMessageAddLogged addLoggedMsg;
                memset(&addLoggedMsg, 0, sizeof(addLoggedMsg));
                memcpy(&addLoggedMsg, log.data() + index, ULOG_MSG_HEADER_LEN + header.msgSize);

                QString messageName(addLoggedMsg.msgName);

                //如果得到了camera_capture 则对_cameraCaptureMsgID进行赋值
                if(messageName.contains(QLatin1String("camera_capture"))) {
                    _cameraCaptureMsgID = addLoggedMsg.msgID;
                    geotagFound = true;


            case (int)ULogMessageType::DATA:
                uint16_t msgID = -1;
                memcpy(&msgID, log.data() + index + ULOG_MSG_HEADER_LEN, 2);

                //如果坐标数据已经在前面找到了  并且图像id和当前解析的id相同
                if (geotagFound && msgID == _cameraCaptureMsgID) {

                    // Completely dynamic parsing, so that changing/reordering the message format will not break the parser
                    // 完全动态解析,因此更改/重新排序消息格式不会破坏解析器
                    GeoTagWorker::cameraFeedbackPacket feedback;
                    memset(&feedback, 0, sizeof(feedback));
                    memcpy(&feedback.timestamp, log.data() + index + 5 + _cameraCaptureOffsets.value(QStringLiteral("timestamp")), 8);
                    feedback.timestamp /= 1.0e6; // to seconds
                    memcpy(&feedback.timestampUTC, log.data() + index + 5 + _cameraCaptureOffsets.value(QStringLiteral("timestamp_utc")), 8);
                    feedback.timestampUTC /= 1.0e6; // to seconds
                    memcpy(&feedback.imageSequence, log.data() + index + 5 + _cameraCaptureOffsets.value(QStringLiteral("seq")), 4);
                    memcpy(&feedback.latitude, log.data() + index + 5 + _cameraCaptureOffsets.value(QStringLiteral("lat")), 8);
                    memcpy(&feedback.longitude, log.data() + index + 5 + _cameraCaptureOffsets.value(QStringLiteral("lon")), 8);
                    feedback.longitude = fmod(180.0 + feedback.longitude, 360.0) - 180.0;
                    memcpy(&feedback.altitude, log.data() + index + 5 + _cameraCaptureOffsets.value(QStringLiteral("alt")), 4);
                    memcpy(&feedback.groundDistance, log.data() + index + 5 + _cameraCaptureOffsets.value(QStringLiteral("ground_distance")), 4);
                    memcpy(&feedback.captureResult, log.data() + index + 5 + _cameraCaptureOffsets.value(QStringLiteral("result")), 1);





        index += (3 + header.msgSize);


    if (cameraFeedback.count() == 0) {
        errorMessage = tr("Could not detect camera_capture packets in ULog");
        return false;

    return true;



bool PX4LogParser::getTagsFromLog(QByteArray& log, QList<GeoTagWorker::cameraFeedbackPacket>& cameraFeedback)

     // general message header 通用消息头
    char header[] = {(char)0xA3, (char)0x95, (char)0x00};
    // header for GPOS message header GPOS消息头
    char gposHeaderHeader[] = {(char)0xA3, (char)0x95, (char)0x80, (char)0x10, (char)0x00};
    int gposHeaderOffset;
    // header for GPOS message GPOS消息
    char gposHeader[] = {(char)0xA3, (char)0x95, (char)0x10, (char)0x00};
    int gposOffsets[3] = {3, 7, 11};
    int gposLengths[3] = {4, 4, 4};
    // header for trigger message header  触发消息头
    char triggerHeaderHeader[] = {(char)0xA3, (char)0x95, (char)0x80, (char)0x37, (char)0x00};
    int triggerHeaderOffset;
    // header for trigger message 触发消息
    char triggerHeader[] = {(char)0xA3, (char)0x95, (char)0x37, (char)0x00};
    int triggerOffsets[2] = {3, 11};
    int triggerLengths[2] = {8, 4};

    // extract header information: message lengths 提取消息头信息:消息长度
    uint8_t* iptr = reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(log.mid(log.indexOf(gposHeaderHeader) + 4, 1).data());
    gposHeaderOffset = static_cast<int>(qFromLittleEndian(*iptr));
    iptr = reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(log.mid(log.indexOf(triggerHeaderHeader) + 4, 1).data());
    triggerHeaderOffset = static_cast<int>(qFromLittleEndian(*iptr));

    // extract trigger data
    int index = 1;
    int sequence = -1;
    while(index < log.count() - 1) {

        // first extract trigger 首先提取触发消息头
        index = log.indexOf(triggerHeader, index + 1);
        // check for whether last entry has been passed
        if (index < 0) {

        if (log.indexOf(header, index + 1) != index + triggerHeaderOffset) {

        GeoTagWorker::cameraFeedbackPacket feedback;
        memset(&feedback, 0, sizeof(feedback));

        uint64_t* time = reinterpret_cast<uint64_t*>(log.mid(index + triggerOffsets[0], triggerLengths[0]).data());
        double timeDouble = static_cast<double>(qFromLittleEndian(*time)) / 1.0e6;
        uint32_t* seq = reinterpret_cast<uint32_t*>(log.mid(index + triggerOffsets[1], triggerLengths[1]).data());
        int seqInt = static_cast<int>(qFromLittleEndian(*seq));
        if (sequence >= seqInt || sequence + 20 < seqInt) { // assume that logging has not skipped more than 20 triggers. this prevents wrong header detection
        feedback.timestamp = timeDouble;
        feedback.imageSequence = seqInt;
        sequence = seqInt;

        // second extract position
        bool lookForGpos = true;
        while (lookForGpos) {

            int gposIndex = log.indexOf(gposHeader, index + 1);
            if (gposIndex < 0) {
            index = gposIndex;

            // verify that at an offset of gposHeaderOffset the next log message starts
            if (gposIndex + gposHeaderOffset == log.indexOf(header, gposIndex + 1)) {
                int32_t* lat = reinterpret_cast<int32_t*>(log.mid(gposIndex + gposOffsets[0], gposLengths[0]).data());
                feedback.latitude = static_cast<double>(qFromLittleEndian(*lat))/1.0e7;
                int32_t* lon = reinterpret_cast<int32_t*>(log.mid(gposIndex + gposOffsets[1], gposLengths[1]).data());
                feedback.longitude = static_cast<double>(qFromLittleEndian(*lon))/1.0e7;
                feedback.longitude = fmod(180.0 + feedback.longitude, 360.0) - 180.0;
                float* alt = reinterpret_cast<float*>(log.mid(gposIndex + gposOffsets[2], gposLengths[2]).data());
                feedback.altitude = qFromLittleEndian(*alt);

    return true;



 * (c) 2009-2020 QGROUNDCONTROL PROJECT <http://www.qgroundcontrol.org>
 * QGroundControl is licensed according to the terms in the file
 * COPYING.md in the root of the source code directory.

#ifndef GeoTagController_H
#define GeoTagController_H

#include "QmlObjectListModel.h"
#include "Fact.h"
#include "FactMetaData.h"
#include <QObject>
#include <QString>
#include <QThread>
#include <QFileInfoList>
#include <QElapsedTimer>
#include <QDebug>
#include <QGeoCoordinate>

//继承自线程 地理信息标记工作线程
class GeoTagWorker : public QThread


    void setLogFile         (const QString& logFile)        { _logFile = logFile; }
    void setImageDirectory  (const QString& imageDirectory) { _imageDirectory = imageDirectory; }
    void setSaveDirectory   (const QString& saveDirectory)  { _saveDirectory = saveDirectory; }

    QString logFile         () const { return _logFile; }
    QString imageDirectory  () const { return _imageDirectory; }
    QString saveDirectory   () const { return _saveDirectory; }

    void cancelTagging      () { _cancel = true; }

    struct cameraFeedbackPacket {
        double timestamp; //时间信息
        double timestampUTC; //utc信息
        uint32_t imageSequence; //图像次序
        double latitude; //纬度
        double longitude; //经度
        float altitude; //高度
        float groundDistance; //地面距离
        float attitudeQuaternion[4]; //高度四元数
        uint8_t captureResult; //截图结果

    void run() final;

    void error              (QString errorMsg);//出错
    void taggingComplete    ();//完成
    void progressChanged    (double progress);//进度

    bool triggerFiltering();

    bool                    _cancel;
    QString                 _logFile;
    QString                 _imageDirectory;
    QString                 _saveDirectory;
    QFileInfoList           _imageList;
    QList<double>           _imageTime;
    QList<cameraFeedbackPacket> _triggerList;
    QList<int>              _imageIndices;
    QList<int>              _triggerIndices;


/// Controller for GeoTagPage.qml. Supports geotagging images based on logfile camera tags.
/// GeoTagPage.qml控制器。 支持基于日志文件相机标签的地理标记图像
class GeoTagController : public QObject

    Q_PROPERTY(QString  logFile         READ logFile        WRITE setLogFile        NOTIFY logFileChanged)
    Q_PROPERTY(QString  imageDirectory  READ imageDirectory WRITE setImageDirectory NOTIFY imageDirectoryChanged)
    Q_PROPERTY(QString  saveDirectory   READ saveDirectory  WRITE setSaveDirectory  NOTIFY saveDirectoryChanged)

    /// Set to an error message is geotagging fails
    Q_PROPERTY(QString  errorMessage    READ errorMessage   NOTIFY errorMessageChanged)

    /// Progress indicator: 0-100
    Q_PROPERTY(double   progress        READ progress       NOTIFY progressChanged)

    /// true: Currently in the process of tagging  目前正在标记过程中
    Q_PROPERTY(bool     inProgress      READ inProgress     NOTIFY inProgressChanged)

    Q_INVOKABLE void startTagging();
    Q_INVOKABLE void cancelTagging() { _worker.cancelTagging(); }

    QString logFile             () const { return _worker.logFile(); }
    QString imageDirectory      () const { return _worker.imageDirectory(); }
    QString saveDirectory       () const { return _worker.saveDirectory(); }
    double  progress            () const { return _progress; }
    bool    inProgress          () const { return _worker.isRunning(); }
    QString errorMessage        () const { return _errorMessage; }

    void    setLogFile          (QString file);
    void    setImageDirectory   (QString dir);
    void    setSaveDirectory    (QString dir);

    void logFileChanged         (QString logFile);
    void imageDirectoryChanged  (QString imageDirectory);
    void saveDirectoryChanged   (QString saveDirectory);
    void progressChanged        (double progress);
    void inProgressChanged      ();
    void errorMessageChanged    (QString errorMessage);

private slots:
    void _workerProgressChanged (double progress);
    void _workerError           (QString errorMsg);
    void _setErrorMessage       (const QString& error);

    QString             _errorMessage;
    double              _progress;
    bool                _inProgress;
    GeoTagWorker        _worker;



 * (c) 2009-2020 QGROUNDCONTROL PROJECT <http://www.qgroundcontrol.org>
 * QGroundControl is licensed according to the terms in the file
 * COPYING.md in the root of the source code directory.

#include "GeoTagController.h"
#include "QGCLoggingCategory.h"
#include <math.h>
#include <QtEndian>
#include <QDebug>
#include <cfloat>
#include <QDir>
#include <QUrl>

#include "ExifParser.h"
#include "ULogParser.h"
#include "PX4LogParser.h"

static const char* kTagged = "/TAGGED";

    : _progress(0)
    , _inProgress(false)
    //绑定线程函数的几个状态 进度改变 错误 开始和完成
    connect(&_worker, &GeoTagWorker::progressChanged,   this, &GeoTagController::_workerProgressChanged);
    connect(&_worker, &GeoTagWorker::error,             this, &GeoTagController::_workerError);
    connect(&_worker, &GeoTagWorker::started,           this, &GeoTagController::inProgressChanged);
    connect(&_worker, &GeoTagWorker::finished,          this, &GeoTagController::inProgressChanged);



void GeoTagController::setLogFile(QString filename)
    filename = QUrl(filename).toLocalFile();
    if (!filename.isEmpty()) {
        emit logFileChanged(filename);

void GeoTagController::setImageDirectory(QString dir)
    dir = QUrl(dir).toLocalFile();
    if (!dir.isEmpty()) {
        emit imageDirectoryChanged(dir);
        if(_worker.saveDirectory() == "") {
            QDir saveDirectory = QDir(_worker.imageDirectory() + kTagged);
            if(saveDirectory.exists()) {
                _setErrorMessage(tr("Images have alreay been tagged. Existing images will be removed."));
    emit errorMessageChanged(_errorMessage);

void GeoTagController::setSaveDirectory(QString dir)
    dir = QUrl(dir).toLocalFile();
    if (!dir.isEmpty()) {
        emit saveDirectoryChanged(dir);
        //-- Check and see if there are images already there
        QDir saveDirectory = QDir(_worker.saveDirectory());
        saveDirectory.setFilter(QDir::Files | QDir::Readable | QDir::NoSymLinks | QDir::Writable);
        QStringList nameFilters;
        nameFilters << "*.jpg" << "*.JPG";
        QStringList imageList = saveDirectory.entryList();
        if(!imageList.isEmpty()) {
            _setErrorMessage(tr("The save folder already contains images."));
    emit errorMessageChanged(_errorMessage);

void GeoTagController::startTagging()
    emit errorMessageChanged(_errorMessage);
    QDir imageDirectory = QDir(_worker.imageDirectory());
    if(!imageDirectory.exists()) {
        _setErrorMessage(tr("Cannot find the image directory."));
    if(_worker.saveDirectory() == "") {
        QDir oldTaggedFolder = QDir(_worker.imageDirectory() + kTagged);
        if(oldTaggedFolder.exists()) {
            if(!imageDirectory.mkdir(_worker.imageDirectory() + kTagged)) {
                _setErrorMessage(tr("Couldn't replace the previously tagged images"));
    } else {
        QDir saveDirectory = QDir(_worker.saveDirectory());
        if(!saveDirectory.exists()) {
            _setErrorMessage(tr("Cannot find the save directory."));

void GeoTagController::_workerProgressChanged(double progress)
    _progress = progress;
    emit progressChanged(progress);

void GeoTagController::_workerError(QString errorMessage)
    _errorMessage = errorMessage;
    emit errorMessageChanged(errorMessage);

void GeoTagController::_setErrorMessage(const QString& error)
    _errorMessage = error;
    emit errorMessageChanged(error);

    : _cancel(false)


void GeoTagWorker::run()
    _cancel = false;
    emit progressChanged(1);
    double nSteps = 5;

    // Load Images
    QDir imageDirectory = QDir(_imageDirectory);
    imageDirectory.setFilter(QDir::Files | QDir::Readable | QDir::NoSymLinks | QDir::Writable);
    QStringList nameFilters;
    nameFilters << "*.jpg" << "*.JPG";

    _imageList = imageDirectory.entryInfoList();
    if(_imageList.isEmpty()) {
        emit error(tr("The image directory doesn't contain images, make sure your images are of the JPG format"));
    emit progressChanged((100/nSteps));

    // Parse EXIF 转化exif数据
    ExifParser exifParser;
    for (int i = 0; i < _imageList.size(); ++i) {
        QFile file(_imageList.at(i).absoluteFilePath());
        if (!file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) {
            emit error(tr("Geotagging failed. Couldn't open an image."));
        QByteArray imageBuffer = file.readAll();

        emit progressChanged((100/nSteps) + ((100/nSteps) / _imageList.size())*i);

        if (_cancel) {
            qCDebug(GeotaggingLog) << "Tagging cancelled";
            emit error(tr("Tagging cancelled"));

    // Load log 加载日志文件
    bool isULog = _logFile.endsWith(".ulg", Qt::CaseSensitive);
    QFile file(_logFile);
    if (!file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) {
        emit error(tr("Geotagging failed. Couldn't open log file."));
    QByteArray log = file.readAll();

    // Instantiate appropriate parser
    bool parseComplete = false;
    QString errorString;
    if (isULog) {
        ULogParser parser;
        parseComplete = parser.getTagsFromLog(log, _triggerList, errorString);

    } else {
        PX4LogParser parser;
        parseComplete = parser.getTagsFromLog(log, _triggerList);


    if (!parseComplete) {
        if (_cancel) {
            qCDebug(GeotaggingLog) << "Tagging cancelled";
            emit error(tr("Tagging cancelled"));
        } else {
            qCDebug(GeotaggingLog) << "Log parsing failed";
            errorString = tr("%1 - tagging cancelled").arg(errorString.isEmpty() ? tr("Log parsing failed") : errorString);
            emit error(errorString);
    emit progressChanged(3*(100/nSteps));

    qCDebug(GeotaggingLog) << "Found " << _triggerList.count() << " trigger logs.";

    if (_cancel) {
        qCDebug(GeotaggingLog) << "Tagging cancelled";
        emit error(tr("Tagging cancelled"));

    // Filter Trigger 过滤刚刚收集到的trigger信息
    if (!triggerFiltering()) {
        qCDebug(GeotaggingLog) << "Geotagging failed in trigger filtering";
        emit error(tr("Geotagging failed in trigger filtering"));
    emit progressChanged(4*(100/nSteps));

    if (_cancel) {
        qCDebug(GeotaggingLog) << "Tagging cancelled";
        emit error(tr("Tagging cancelled"));

    // Tag images 获取要标记的图像数量
    int maxIndex = std::min(_imageIndices.count(), _triggerIndices.count());
    maxIndex = std::min(maxIndex, _imageList.count());

    for(int i = 0; i < maxIndex; i++) {
        int imageIndex = _imageIndices[i];
        if (imageIndex >= _imageList.count()) {
            emit error(tr("Geotagging failed. Requesting image #%1, but only %2 images present.").arg(imageIndex).arg(_imageList.count()));
        QFile fileRead(_imageList.at(_imageIndices[i]).absoluteFilePath());
        if (!fileRead.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) {
            emit error(tr("Geotagging failed. Couldn't open an image."));
        QByteArray imageBuffer = fileRead.readAll();

        if (!exifParser.write(imageBuffer, _triggerList[_triggerIndices[i]])) {
            emit error(tr("Geotagging failed. Couldn't write to image."));
        } else {
            QFile fileWrite;
            if(_saveDirectory == "") {
                fileWrite.setFileName(_imageDirectory + "/TAGGED/" + _imageList.at(_imageIndices[i]).fileName());
            } else {
                fileWrite.setFileName(_saveDirectory + "/" + _imageList.at(_imageIndices[i]).fileName());
            if (!fileWrite.open(QFile::WriteOnly)) {
                emit error(tr("Geotagging failed. Couldn't write to an image."));
        emit progressChanged(4*(100/nSteps) + ((100/nSteps) / maxIndex)*i);

        if (_cancel) {
            qCDebug(GeotaggingLog) << "Tagging cancelled";
            emit error(tr("Tagging cancelled"));

    if (_cancel) {
        qCDebug(GeotaggingLog) << "Tagging cancelled";
        emit error(tr("Tagging cancelled"));

    emit progressChanged(100);

bool GeoTagWorker::triggerFiltering()
    if(_imageList.count() > _triggerList.count()) {             // Logging dropouts
        qCDebug(GeotaggingLog) << "Detected missing feedback packets.";
    } else if (_imageList.count() < _triggerList.count()) {     // Camera skipped frames
        qCDebug(GeotaggingLog) << "Detected missing image frames.";
    for(int i = 0; i < _imageList.count() && i < _triggerList.count(); i++) {
    return true;



 * (c) 2009-2020 QGROUNDCONTROL PROJECT <http://www.qgroundcontrol.org>
 * QGroundControl is licensed according to the terms in the file
 * COPYING.md in the root of the source code directory.

#ifndef LogDownloadController_H
#define LogDownloadController_H

#include <QObject>
#include <QTimer>
#include <QAbstractListModel>
#include <QLocale>
#include <QElapsedTimer>

#include <memory>

#include "UASInterface.h"
#include "AutoPilotPlugin.h"

class  MultiVehicleManager;
class  UASInterface;
class  Vehicle;
class  QGCLogEntry;
struct LogDownloadData;


// QGCLogEntry的容器
class QGCLogModel : public QAbstractListModel

    enum QGCLogModelRoles {
        ObjectRole = Qt::UserRole + 1

    QGCLogModel(QObject *parent = nullptr);

    Q_PROPERTY(int count READ count NOTIFY countChanged)

    Q_INVOKABLE QGCLogEntry* get(int index);

    //操作 数量获取  插入  清理操作
    int         count           (void) const;
    void        append          (QGCLogEntry* entry);
    void        clear           (void);
    QGCLogEntry*operator[]      (int i);

    int         rowCount        (const QModelIndex & parent = QModelIndex()) const;
    QVariant    data            (const QModelIndex & index, int role = Qt::DisplayRole) const;

    void        countChanged    ();

    QHash<int, QByteArray> roleNames() const;
    QList<QGCLogEntry*> _logEntries;

// 每一个log的字段属性  id 时间 大小 大小字符串 接收与否 选中与否 状态
class QGCLogEntry : public QObject {
    Q_PROPERTY(uint         id          READ id                             CONSTANT)
    Q_PROPERTY(QDateTime    time        READ time                           NOTIFY timeChanged)
    Q_PROPERTY(uint         size        READ size                           NOTIFY sizeChanged)
    Q_PROPERTY(QString      sizeStr     READ sizeStr                        NOTIFY sizeChanged)
    Q_PROPERTY(bool         received    READ received                       NOTIFY receivedChanged)
    Q_PROPERTY(bool         selected    READ selected   WRITE setSelected   NOTIFY selectedChanged)
    Q_PROPERTY(QString      status      READ status                         NOTIFY statusChanged)

    QGCLogEntry(uint logId, const QDateTime& dateTime = QDateTime(), uint logSize = 0, bool received = false);

    uint        id          () const { return _logID; }
    uint        size        () const { return _logSize; }
    QString     sizeStr     () const;
    QDateTime   time        () const { return _logTimeUTC; }
    bool        received    () const { return _received; }
    bool        selected    () const { return _selected; }
    QString     status      () const { return _status; }

    void        setId       (uint id_)          { _logID = id_; }
    void        setSize     (uint size_)        { _logSize = size_;     emit sizeChanged(); }
    void        setTime     (QDateTime date_)   { _logTimeUTC = date_;  emit timeChanged(); }
    void        setReceived (bool rec_)         { _received = rec_;     emit receivedChanged(); }
    void        setSelected (bool sel_)         { _selected = sel_;     emit selectedChanged(); }
    void        setStatus   (QString stat_)     { _status = stat_;      emit statusChanged(); }

    void        idChanged       ();
    void        timeChanged     ();
    void        sizeChanged     ();
    void        receivedChanged ();
    void        selectedChanged ();
    void        statusChanged   ();

    uint        _logID;
    uint        _logSize;
    QDateTime   _logTimeUTC;
    bool        _received;
    bool        _selected;
    QString     _status;

class LogDownloadController : public QObject


    //属性 容器类  是否正在请求 是否正在下载
    Q_PROPERTY(QGCLogModel* model           READ model              NOTIFY modelChanged)
    Q_PROPERTY(bool         requestingList  READ requestingList     NOTIFY requestingListChanged)
    Q_PROPERTY(bool         downloadingLogs READ downloadingLogs    NOTIFY downloadingLogsChanged)

    QGCLogModel*    model                   () { return &_logEntriesModel; }
    bool            requestingList          () const{ return _requestingLogEntries; }
    bool            downloadingLogs         () const{ return _downloadingLogs; }

    Q_INVOKABLE void refresh                ();
    Q_INVOKABLE void download               (QString path = QString());
    Q_INVOKABLE void eraseAll               ();
    Q_INVOKABLE void cancel                 ();

    void downloadToDirectory(const QString& dir);

    void requestingListChanged  ();
    void downloadingLogsChanged ();
    void modelChanged           ();
    void selectionChanged       ();

private slots:
    void _setActiveVehicle  (Vehicle* vehicle);
    void _logEntry          (UASInterface *uas, uint32_t time_utc, uint32_t size, uint16_t id, uint16_t num_logs, uint16_t last_log_num);
    void _logData           (UASInterface *uas, uint32_t ofs, uint16_t id, uint8_t count, const uint8_t *data);
    void _processDownload   ();

    bool _entriesComplete   ();
    bool _chunkComplete     () const;
    bool _logComplete       () const;
    void _findMissingEntries();
    void _receivedAllEntries();
    void _receivedAllData   ();
    void _resetSelection    (bool canceled = false);
    void _findMissingData   ();
    void _requestLogList    (uint32_t start, uint32_t end);
    void _requestLogData    (uint16_t id, uint32_t offset, uint32_t count, int retryCount = 0);
    bool _prepareLogDownload();
    void _setDownloading    (bool active);
    void _setListing        (bool active);
    void _updateDataRate    ();

    QGCLogEntry* _getNextSelected();

    UASInterface*       _uas;
    LogDownloadData*    _downloadData;
    QTimer              _timer;
    QGCLogModel         _logEntriesModel;
    Vehicle*            _vehicle;
    bool                _requestingLogEntries;
    bool                _downloadingLogs;
    int                 _retries;
    int                 _apmOneBased;
    QString             _downloadPath;



 * (c) 2009-2020 QGROUNDCONTROL PROJECT <http://www.qgroundcontrol.org>
 * QGroundControl is licensed according to the terms in the file
 * COPYING.md in the root of the source code directory.

#include "LogDownloadController.h"
#include "MultiVehicleManager.h"
#include "QGCMAVLink.h"
#include "UAS.h"
#include "QGCApplication.h"
#include "QGCToolbox.h"
#include "QGCMapEngine.h"
#include "ParameterManager.h"
#include "Vehicle.h"
#include "SettingsManager.h"

#include <QDebug>
#include <QSettings>
#include <QUrl>
#include <QBitArray>
#include <QtCore/qmath.h>

#define kTimeOutMilliseconds 500
#define kGUIRateMilliseconds 17
#define kTableBins           512
#define kChunkSize           (kTableBins * MAVLINK_MSG_LOG_DATA_FIELD_DATA_LEN) //90

QGC_LOGGING_CATEGORY(LogDownloadLog, "LogDownloadLog")

struct LogDownloadData {
    LogDownloadData(QGCLogEntry* entry);
    QBitArray     chunk_table;
    uint32_t      current_chunk;
    QFile         file;
    QString       filename;
    uint          ID;
    QGCLogEntry*  entry;
    uint          written;
    size_t        rate_bytes;
    qreal         rate_avg;
    QElapsedTimer elapsed;

    void advanceChunk()
        chunk_table = QBitArray(chunkBins(), false);

    //qCeil向上取整qFloor向下取整 qRound 四舍五入
    // The number of MAVLINK_MSG_LOG_DATA_FIELD_DATA_LEN bins in the current chunk
    uint32_t chunkBins() const
        return qMin(qCeil((entry->size() - current_chunk*kChunkSize)/static_cast<qreal>(MAVLINK_MSG_LOG_DATA_FIELD_DATA_LEN)),

    // The number of kChunkSize chunks in the file
    // 文件中kChunkSize块的数量
    uint32_t numChunks() const
        return qCeil(entry->size() / static_cast<qreal>(kChunkSize));

    // True if all bins in the chunk have been set to val
    // 如果chunk中的所有容器都被设置为val,则为True
    bool chunkEquals(const bool val) const
        return chunk_table == QBitArray(chunk_table.size(), val);


// 构造LogDownloadData
LogDownloadData::LogDownloadData(QGCLogEntry* entry_)
    : ID(entry_->id())
    , entry(entry_)
    , written(0)
    , rate_bytes(0)
    , rate_avg(0)


// 构造QGCLogEntry
QGCLogEntry::QGCLogEntry(uint logId, const QDateTime& dateTime, uint logSize, bool received)
    : _logID(logId)
    , _logSize(logSize)
    , _logTimeUTC(dateTime)
    , _received(received)
    , _selected(false)
    _status = tr("Pending");

QGCLogEntry::sizeStr() const
    return QGCMapEngine::bigSizeToString(_logSize);

    : _uas(nullptr)
    , _downloadData(nullptr)
    , _vehicle(nullptr)
    , _requestingLogEntries(false)
    , _downloadingLogs(false)
    , _retries(0)
    , _apmOneBased(0)
    MultiVehicleManager *manager = qgcApp()->toolbox()->multiVehicleManager();
    //接收MultiVehicleManager传来的activeVehicleChanged 当前激活设备更改
    connect(manager, &MultiVehicleManager::activeVehicleChanged, this, &LogDownloadController::_setActiveVehicle);
    connect(&_timer, &QTimer::timeout, this, &LogDownloadController::_processDownload);

void LogDownloadController::_processDownload()
    if(_requestingLogEntries) {
    } else if(_downloadingLogs) {

void LogDownloadController::_setActiveVehicle(Vehicle* vehicle)
    // 如果uas为空
    if(_uas) {
        //清理数据 解绑槽函数
        disconnect(_uas, &UASInterface::logEntry, this, &LogDownloadController::_logEntry);
        disconnect(_uas, &UASInterface::logData,  this, &LogDownloadController::_logData);
        _uas = nullptr;
    _vehicle = vehicle;
    if(_vehicle) {
        //更新uas 关于uas后边轮到了会讲解 理解为无人机的序列号
        _uas = vehicle->uas();
        connect(_uas, &UASInterface::logEntry, this, &LogDownloadController::_logEntry);
        connect(_uas, &UASInterface::logData,  this, &LogDownloadController::_logData);

void LogDownloadController::_logEntry(UASInterface* uas, uint32_t time_utc, uint32_t size, uint16_t id, uint16_t num_logs, uint16_t /*last_log_num*/)
    //-- Do we care? 判断uas数据有效性
    if(!_uas || uas != _uas || !_requestingLogEntries) {
    //-- If this is the first, pre-fill it 如果这是第一个,提前填好
    if(!_logEntriesModel.count() && num_logs > 0) {
        //-- Is this APM? They send a first entry with bogus ID and only the
        //   count is valid. From now on, all entries are 1-based.
        // 这是APM吗? 他们发送的第一个条目是假的ID,只有计算是有效的。 从现在开始,所有的条目都是基于1的。
        if(_vehicle->firmwareType() == MAV_AUTOPILOT_ARDUPILOTMEGA) {
            _apmOneBased = 1;
        for(int i = 0; i < num_logs; i++) {
            QGCLogEntry *entry = new QGCLogEntry(i);
    //-- Update this log record  更新此日志记录
    if(num_logs > 0) {
        //-- Skip if empty (APM first packet)  如果为空则跳过(APM第一个包)
        if(size || _vehicle->firmwareType() != MAV_AUTOPILOT_ARDUPILOTMEGA) {
            id -= _apmOneBased;
            if(id < _logEntriesModel.count()) {
                QGCLogEntry* entry = _logEntriesModel[id];
            } else {
                qWarning() << "Received log entry for out-of-bound index:" << id;
    } else {
        //-- No logs to list
    //-- Reset retry count 重置重试次数
    _retries = 0;
    //-- Do we have it all? 如果数据完全了
    if(_entriesComplete()) {
    } else {
        //-- Reset timer

bool LogDownloadController::_entriesComplete()
    //-- Iterate entries and look for a gap
    int num_logs = _logEntriesModel.count();
    for(int i = 0; i < num_logs; i++) {
        QGCLogEntry* entry = _logEntriesModel[i];
        if(entry) {
            if(!entry->received()) {
               return false;
    return true;

void LogDownloadController::_resetSelection(bool canceled)
    int num_logs = _logEntriesModel.count();
    for(int i = 0; i < num_logs; i++) {
        QGCLogEntry* entry = _logEntriesModel[i];
        if(entry) {
            if(entry->selected()) {
                if(canceled) {
    emit selectionChanged();

void LogDownloadController::_receivedAllEntries()

void LogDownloadController::_findMissingEntries()
    int start = -1;
    int end   = -1;
    int num_logs = _logEntriesModel.count();
    //-- Iterate entries and look for a gap  迭代条目并寻找空白
    // 查到未接收的文件,记录下标
    for(int i = 0; i < num_logs; i++) {
        QGCLogEntry* entry = _logEntriesModel[i];
        if(entry) {
            if(!entry->received()) {
                if(start < 0)
                    start = i;
                    end = i;
                if(start >= 0) {

    //-- Is there something missing?
    // 如果有
    if(start >= 0) {
        //-- Have we tried too many times?
        if(_retries++ > 2) {
            for(int i = 0; i < num_logs; i++) {
                QGCLogEntry* entry = _logEntriesModel[i];
                if(entry && !entry->received()) {
            //-- Give up 放弃
            qWarning() << "Too many errors retreiving log list. Giving up.";
        //-- Is it a sequence or just one entry? 它是一个序列还是一个条目
        if(end < 0) {
            end = start;
        //-- APM "Fix"
        start += _apmOneBased;
        end   += _apmOneBased;
        //-- Request these entries again
        _requestLogList((uint32_t)start, (uint32_t) end);
    } else {

void LogDownloadController::_updateDataRate(void)
    if (_downloadData->elapsed.elapsed() >= kGUIRateMilliseconds) {
        //-- Update download rate
        qreal rrate = _downloadData->rate_bytes / (_downloadData->elapsed.elapsed() / 1000.0);
        _downloadData->rate_avg = (_downloadData->rate_avg * 0.95) + (rrate * 0.05);
        _downloadData->rate_bytes = 0;

        //-- Update status
        const QString status = QString("%1 (%2/s)").arg(QGCMapEngine::bigSizeToString(_downloadData->written),


void LogDownloadController::_logData(UASInterface* uas, uint32_t ofs, uint16_t id, uint8_t count, const uint8_t* data)
    if(!_uas || uas != _uas || !_downloadData) {
    //-- APM "Fix"
    id -= _apmOneBased;
    if(_downloadData->ID != id) {
        qWarning() << "Received log data for wrong log";

    if ((ofs % MAVLINK_MSG_LOG_DATA_FIELD_DATA_LEN) != 0) {
        qWarning() << "Ignored misaligned incoming packet @" << ofs;

    bool result = false;
    uint32_t timeout_time = kTimeOutMilliseconds;
    if(ofs <= _downloadData->entry->size()) {
        const uint32_t chunk = ofs / kChunkSize;
        if (chunk != _downloadData->current_chunk) {
            qWarning() << "Ignored packet for out of order chunk actual:expected" << chunk << _downloadData->current_chunk;
        const uint16_t bin = (ofs - chunk*kChunkSize) / MAVLINK_MSG_LOG_DATA_FIELD_DATA_LEN;
        if (bin >= _downloadData->chunk_table.size()) {
            qWarning() << "Out of range bin received";
        } else
        if (_downloadData->file.pos() != ofs) {
            // Seek to correct position 找到正确的位置
            if (!_downloadData->file.seek(ofs)) {
                qWarning() << "Error while seeking log file offset";

        //-- Write chunk to file 将chunk写入文件
        if(_downloadData->file.write((const char*)data, count)) {
            _downloadData->written += count;
            _downloadData->rate_bytes += count;
            result = true;
            //-- reset retries
            _retries = 0;
            //-- Reset timer
            //-- Do we have it all? 是否完整了
            if(_logComplete()) {
                //-- Check for more
            } else if (_chunkComplete()) {
            } else if (bin < _downloadData->chunk_table.size() - 1 && _downloadData->chunk_table.at(bin+1)) {
                // Likely to be grabbing fragments and got to the end of a gap
                // 查找缺失文件
        } else {
            qWarning() << "Error while writing log file chunk";
    } else {
        qWarning() << "Received log offset greater than expected";
    if(!result) {

bool LogDownloadController::_chunkComplete() const
    return _downloadData->chunkEquals(true);

bool LogDownloadController::_logComplete() const
    return _chunkComplete() && (_downloadData->current_chunk+1) == _downloadData->numChunks();

void LogDownloadController::_receivedAllData()
    //-- Anything queued up for download?
    if(_prepareLogDownload()) {
        //-- Request Log 请求
        _requestLogData(_downloadData->ID, 0, _downloadData->chunk_table.size()*MAVLINK_MSG_LOG_DATA_FIELD_DATA_LEN);
    } else {

// 查找丢失文件
void LogDownloadController::_findMissingData()
    if (_logComplete()) {
    } else if (_chunkComplete()) {

#if 0
    // Trying the change to infinite log download. This way if retries hit 100% failure the data rate will
    // slowly fall to 0 and the user can Cancel. This should work better on really crappy links.
    if(_retries > 5) {
        _downloadData->entry->setStatus(tr("Timed Out"));
        //-- Give up
        qWarning() << "Too many errors retreiving log data. Giving up.";


    uint16_t start = 0, end = 0;
    const int size = _downloadData->chunk_table.size();
    for (; start < size; start++) {
        if (!_downloadData->chunk_table.testBit(start)) {

    for (end = start; end < size; end++) {
        if (_downloadData->chunk_table.testBit(end)) {

    const uint32_t pos = _downloadData->current_chunk*kChunkSize + start*MAVLINK_MSG_LOG_DATA_FIELD_DATA_LEN,
                   len = (end - start)*MAVLINK_MSG_LOG_DATA_FIELD_DATA_LEN;
    _requestLogData(_downloadData->ID, pos, len, _retries);

// 请求log文件
void LogDownloadController::_requestLogData(uint16_t id, uint32_t offset, uint32_t count, int retryCount)
    if (_vehicle) {
        WeakLinkInterfacePtr weakLink = _vehicle->vehicleLinkManager()->primaryLink();
        if (!weakLink.expired()) {
            SharedLinkInterfacePtr sharedLink = weakLink.lock();

            //-- APM "Fix"
            id += _apmOneBased;
            qCDebug(LogDownloadLog) << "Request log data (id:" << id << "offset:" << offset << "size:" << count << "retryCount" << retryCount << ")";
            mavlink_message_t msg;
                        id, offset, count);
            _vehicle->sendMessageOnLinkThreadSafe(sharedLink.get(), msg);

void LogDownloadController::refresh(void)
    //-- Get first 50 entries
    _requestLogList(0, 49);

// 获取日志列表
void LogDownloadController::_requestLogList(uint32_t start, uint32_t end)
    if(_vehicle && _uas) {
        qCDebug(LogDownloadLog) << "Request log entry list (" << start << "through" << end << ")";
        WeakLinkInterfacePtr weakLink = _vehicle->vehicleLinkManager()->primaryLink();
        if (!weakLink.expired()) {
            SharedLinkInterfacePtr sharedLink = weakLink.lock();

            mavlink_message_t msg;
            _vehicle->sendMessageOnLinkThreadSafe(sharedLink.get(), msg);
        //-- Wait 5 seconds before bitching about not getting anything

void LogDownloadController::download(QString path)
    QString dir = path;
    if (dir.isEmpty()) {
        dir = qgcApp()->toolbox()->settingsManager()->appSettings()->logSavePath();

void LogDownloadController::downloadToDirectory(const QString& dir)
    //-- Stop listing just in case
    //-- Reset downloads, again just in case
    delete _downloadData;
    _downloadData = nullptr;

    _downloadPath = dir;
    if(!_downloadPath.isEmpty()) {
            _downloadPath += QDir::separator();
        //-- Iterate selected entries and shown them as waiting
        int num_logs = _logEntriesModel.count();
        for(int i = 0; i < num_logs; i++) {
            QGCLogEntry* entry = _logEntriesModel[i];
            if(entry) {
                if(entry->selected()) {
        //-- Start download process

QGCLogEntry* LogDownloadController::_getNextSelected()
    //-- Iterate entries and look for a selected file
    int num_logs = _logEntriesModel.count();
    for(int i = 0; i < num_logs; i++) {
        QGCLogEntry* entry = _logEntriesModel[i];
        if(entry) {
            if(entry->selected()) {
               return entry;
    return nullptr;

bool LogDownloadController::_prepareLogDownload()
    delete _downloadData;
    _downloadData = nullptr;

    QGCLogEntry* entry = _getNextSelected();
    if(!entry) {
        return false;
    //-- Deselect file 取消选择文件
    emit selectionChanged();
    bool result = false;
    QString ftime;
    if(entry->time().date().year() < 2010) {
        ftime = tr("UnknownDate");
    } else {
        ftime = entry->time().toString(QStringLiteral("yyyy-M-d-hh-mm-ss"));
    _downloadData = new LogDownloadData(entry);
    _downloadData->filename = QString("log_") + QString::number(entry->id()) + "_" + ftime;
    //如果PX4 修改为对应后缀 否则后缀为bin
    if (_vehicle->firmwareType() == MAV_AUTOPILOT_PX4) {
        QString loggerParam = QStringLiteral("SYS_LOGGER");
        if (_vehicle->parameterManager()->parameterExists(FactSystem::defaultComponentId, loggerParam) &&
                _vehicle->parameterManager()->getParameter(FactSystem::defaultComponentId, loggerParam)->rawValue().toInt() == 0) {
            _downloadData->filename += ".px4log";
        } else {
            _downloadData->filename += ".ulg";
    } else {
        _downloadData->filename += ".bin";
    _downloadData->file.setFileName(_downloadPath + _downloadData->filename);
    //-- Append a number to the end if the filename already exists
    // 如果文件名已经存在,则在末尾追加一个数字
    if (_downloadData->file.exists()){
        uint num_dups = 0;
        QStringList filename_spl = _downloadData->filename.split('.');
        do {
            num_dups +=1;
            _downloadData->file.setFileName(filename_spl[0] + '_' + QString::number(num_dups) + '.' + filename_spl[1]);
        } while( _downloadData->file.exists());
    //-- Create file 创建文件
    if (!_downloadData->file.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly)) {
        qWarning() << "Failed to create log file:" <<  _downloadData->filename;
    } else {
        //-- Preallocate file
        if(!_downloadData->file.resize(entry->size())) {
            qWarning() << "Failed to allocate space for log file:" <<  _downloadData->filename;
        } else {
            _downloadData->current_chunk = 0;
            _downloadData->chunk_table = QBitArray(_downloadData->chunkBins(), false);
            result = true;
    if(!result) {
        if (_downloadData->file.exists()) {
        delete _downloadData;
        _downloadData = nullptr;
    return result;

void LogDownloadController::_setDownloading(bool active)
    if (_downloadingLogs != active) {
        _downloadingLogs = active;
        emit downloadingLogsChanged();

void LogDownloadController::_setListing(bool active)
    if (_requestingLogEntries != active) {
        _requestingLogEntries = active;
        emit requestingListChanged();

void LogDownloadController::eraseAll(void)
    if(_vehicle && _uas) {
        WeakLinkInterfacePtr weakLink = _vehicle->vehicleLinkManager()->primaryLink();
        if (!weakLink.expired()) {
            SharedLinkInterfacePtr sharedLink = weakLink.lock();

            mavlink_message_t msg;
                        qgcApp()->toolbox()->multiVehicleManager()->activeVehicle()->id(), qgcApp()->toolbox()->multiVehicleManager()->activeVehicle()->defaultComponentId());
            _vehicle->sendMessageOnLinkThreadSafe(sharedLink.get(), msg);

void LogDownloadController::cancel(void)
    if(_downloadData) {
        if (_downloadData->file.exists()) {
        delete _downloadData;
        _downloadData = 0;

QGCLogModel::QGCLogModel(QObject* parent)
    : QAbstractListModel(parent)


QGCLogEntry* QGCLogModel::get(int index)
    if (index < 0 || index >= _logEntries.count()) {
        return nullptr;
    return _logEntries[index];

int QGCLogModel::count() const
    return _logEntries.count();

void QGCLogModel::append(QGCLogEntry* object)
    beginInsertRows(QModelIndex(), rowCount(), rowCount());
    QQmlEngine::setObjectOwnership(object, QQmlEngine::CppOwnership);
    emit countChanged();

void QGCLogModel::clear(void)
    if(!_logEntries.isEmpty()) {
        beginRemoveRows(QModelIndex(), 0, _logEntries.count());
        while (_logEntries.count()) {
            QGCLogEntry* entry = _logEntries.last();
            if(entry) entry->deleteLater();
        emit countChanged();

//[] 符号重载
QGCLogEntry* QGCLogModel::operator[](int index)
    return get(index);

int QGCLogModel::rowCount(const QModelIndex& /*parent*/) const
    return _logEntries.count();

QVariant QGCLogModel::data(const QModelIndex & index, int role) const {
    if (index.row() < 0 || index.row() >= _logEntries.count())
        return QVariant();
    if (role == ObjectRole)
        return QVariant::fromValue(_logEntries[index.row()]);
    return QVariant();

QHash<int, QByteArray> QGCLogModel::roleNames() const {
    QHash<int, QByteArray> roles;
    roles[ObjectRole] = "logEntry";
    return roles;



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