共轭梯度法 Conjugate Gradient Method (线性及非线性)

发布于:2024-04-19 ⋅ 阅读:(35) ⋅ 点赞:(0)

1. 线性共轭梯度法

共轭梯度法(英语:Conjugate gradient method),是求解系数矩阵为对称正定矩阵的线性方程组的数值解的方法。


1. 求解线性方程组,

2. 共轭梯度法也可以用于求解无约束的最优化问题



上式可以等价于求解线性方程组 Ax = b,因为


此外,双共轭梯度法(英语:BiConjugate gradient method)提供了一种处理非对称矩阵情况的推广。


因此也称为共轭方向(conjugate directions)。



import numpy as np

# Define the objective function
def f(x): 
    return x[0]**2/2 + x[0]*x[1] + x[1]**2 - 2*x[1]

# Define A and b
A = np.array(([1/2, 1/2], [1/2, 1]), dtype=float)
b = np.array([0., 2.])

# Make sure A is a symmetric positive definite matrix.
if (A.T==A).all()==True: print("A is symmetric")
eigs = np.linalg.eigvals(A)
print("The eigenvalues of A:", eigs)
if (np.all(eigs>0)):
    print("A is positive definite")
elif (np.all(eigs>=0)):
    print("A is positive semi-definite")
    print("A is negative definite")

# Implements the linear conjugate gradient algorithm
def linear_CG(x, A, b, epsilon):
    res = A.dot(x) - b # Initialize the residual
    delta = -res # Initialize the descent direction
    while True:
        if np.linalg.norm(res) <= epsilon:
            return x, f(x) # Return the minimizer x* and the function value f(x*)
        D = A.dot(delta)
        beta = -(res.dot(delta))/(delta.dot(D)) # Line (11) in the algorithm
        x = x + beta*delta # Generate the new iterate

        res = A.dot(x) - b # generate the new residual
        chi = res.dot(D)/(delta.dot(D)) # Line (14) in the algorithm 
        delta = chi*delta -  res # Generate the new descent direction
# Solve the equations
sol, funValue = linear_CG(np.array([2.3, -2.2]), A, b, 1e-5)

# Check the result
if ( np.linalg.norm(A@sol - b) < 1e-5):
    print("solution verified")

2. 非线性共轭梯度法 Nonlinear Conjugate Gradient method


  • Fletcher-Reeves algorithm,
  • Polak-Ribiere algorithm,
  • Hestenes-Stiefel algorithm,
  • Dai-Yuan algorithm, and
  • Hager-Zhang algorithm.








pip install autograd


此外,用到了 scipy中的line_search函数

scipy.optimize.line_search — SciPy v1.13.0 Manual

import numpy as np
from autograd import grad

# Define the objective function
def func(x): # Objective function
    return x[0]**4 - 2*x[0]**2*x[1] + x[0]**2 + x[1]**2 - 2*x[0] + 1

Df = grad(func) # Gradient of the objective function

# Next we define the function Fletcher_Reeves()
from scipy.optimize import line_search
NORM = np.linalg.norm

def Fletcher_Reeves(Xj, tol, alpha_1, alpha_2):
    x1 = [Xj[0]]
    x2 = [Xj[1]]
    D = Df(Xj)
    delta = -D # Initialize the descent direction
    while True:
        start_point = Xj # Start point for step length selection 
        beta = line_search(f=func, myfprime=Df, xk=start_point, pk=delta, c1=alpha_1, c2=alpha_2)[0] # Selecting the step length
        if beta!=None:
            X = Xj+ beta*delta #Newly updated experimental point
        if NORM(Df(X)) < tol:
            x1 += [X[0], ]
            x2 += [X[1], ]
            return X, func(X) # Return the results
            Xj = X
            d = D # Gradient at the preceding experimental point
            D = Df(Xj) # Gradient at the current experimental point
            chi = NORM(D)**2/NORM(d)**2 # Line (16) of the Fletcher-Reeves algorithm
            delta = -D + chi*delta # Newly updated descent direction
            x1 += [Xj[0], ]
            x2 += [Xj[1], ]

sol, funValue = Fletcher_Reeves(np.array([2., -1.8]), 10**-5, 10**-4, 0.38)

最后的解为 [1, 1],f(x)最小值为0


## +----+-----------+------------+--------------+--------------+
## |    |       x_1 |        x_2 |         f(X) |     ||grad|| |
## |----+-----------+------------+--------------+--------------|
## |  0 |  2        | -1.8       | 34.64        | 49.7707      |
## |  1 | -0.98032  | -1.08571   |  8.1108      | 12.6662      |
## |  2 |  1.08966  |  0.0472277 |  1.30794     |  5.6311      |
## |  3 |  0.642619 |  0.473047  |  0.131332    |  0.877485    |
## |  4 |  0.766371 |  0.46651   |  0.0691785   |  0.260336    |
## |  5 |  0.932517 |  0.704482  |  0.0318138   |  0.583346    |
## |  6 |  1.0149   |  1.06008   |  0.00112543  |  0.110081    |
## |  7 |  1.02357  |  1.0596    |  0.000697231 |  0.0238509   |
## |  8 |  1.02489  |  1.05473   |  0.000638128 |  0.0331525   |
## |  9 |  1.00544  |  0.999549  |  0.000158528 |  0.0609372   |
## | 10 |  0.996075 |  0.987011  |  4.19723e-05 |  0.016347    |
## | 11 |  0.994792 |  0.986923  |  3.43476e-05 |  0.00538401  |
## | 12 |  0.994466 |  0.987575  |  3.25511e-05 |  0.00620548  |
## | 13 |  0.9956   |  0.992867  |  2.20695e-05 |  0.015708    |
## | 14 |  0.999909 |  1.00171   |  3.59093e-06 |  0.008628    |
## | 15 |  1.00088  |  1.00254   |  1.3779e-06  |  0.00206337  |
## | 16 |  1.00102  |  1.00249   |  1.24228e-06 |  0.000925229 |
## | 17 |  1.00106  |  1.00226   |  1.14704e-06 |  0.00161353  |
## | 18 |  1.00056  |  1.00065   |  5.3011e-07  |  0.00313135  |
## | 19 |  0.999916 |  0.99956   |  8.14653e-08 |  0.00107299  |
## | 20 |  0.999816 |  0.999511  |  4.85294e-08 |  0.000269684 |
## | 21 |  0.999798 |  0.999526  |  4.57054e-08 |  0.000185146 |
## | 22 |  0.999803 |  0.999615  |  3.90603e-08 |  0.000435884 |
## | 23 |  0.99995  |  0.999991  |  1.08357e-08 |  0.000499645 |
## | 24 |  1.00003  |  1.00009   |  2.25348e-09 |  0.000130632 |
## | 25 |  1.00004  |  1.00009   |  1.75917e-09 |  3.97529e-05 |
## | 26 |  1.00004  |  1.00009   |  1.66947e-09 |  4.22905e-05 |
## | 27 |  1.00003  |  1.00006   |  1.1931e-09  |  0.000108964 |
## | 28 |  1        |  0.999989  |  2.11734e-10 |  6.79786e-05 |
## | 29 |  0.999994 |  0.999982  |  7.24881e-11 |  1.61034e-05 |
## | 30 |  0.999993 |  0.999982  |  6.4458e-11  |  6.72611e-06 |
## +----+-----------+------------+--------------+--------------+


Chapter 5 Conjugate Gradient Methods | Introduction to Mathematical Optimization