
发布于:2024-04-17 ⋅ 阅读:(20) ⋅ 点赞:(0)


#include <cmath>
#include <math.h>

// #include <math.h>
#include <cmath>
#include <stdio.h>

int main()
    float res;

    res = sqrt(2);
    res = abs(-5.3);

    res = sin(0.5*M_PI);
    res = asin(res);
    res = cos(0.5*M_PI);
    res = acos(res);
    res = tan(0.3333*M_PI);
    res = atan(res);

    res = pow(2, 3);
    res = log(10);
    res = log10(10);

    printf("res = %f\n", res);
    return 0;



  • & 逻辑与(Logic AND)
  • | 逻辑或(Loglc OR)
  • ^ 逻辑异或(Logical exclusive OR)
  • ~ 位反转 (Complement to one(bit inversion))
  • << 左移 (Shift Left): 乘以 2 n 2^n 2n
  • >> 右移 (Shfft Right): 除以 2 n 2^n 2n


#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>

typedef unsigned int uint32_t;

int main() {
    uint32_t n_bit = 4;
    printf("     2 << 4 = %u\n", 2 << 4);
    printf("2*pow(2, 4) = %u\n", (uint32_t)(2*pow(2, 4)));

    return 0;


#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>

typedef unsigned int uint32_t;

int main() {
    uint32_t n_bit = 4;
    printf("     160 >> 4 = %u\n", 160 >> 4);
    printf("160/pow(2, 4) = %u\n", (uint32_t)(160/pow(2, 4)));

    return 0;


template <typename F>
__device__ inline float one_blob_subwarp_aligned(F kernel, MatrixView<const float> data_in, const uint32_t elem_index, const uint32_t encoded_index, const uint32_t num_bins_log2) {
    const uint32_t n_bins = 1 << num_bins_log2;
    const uint32_t bin_index = encoded_index & (n_bins - 1);
    const float x = data_in(encoded_index >> num_bins_log2, elem_index);

    const float left_boundary = scalbnf(bin_index, -num_bins_log2);
    float left_cdf = kernel(left_boundary - x, n_bins) + kernel(left_boundary - x - 1.0f, n_bins) + kernel(left_boundary - x + 1.0f, n_bins);

    float right_cdf = __shfl_sync(0xffffffff, left_cdf, bin_index + 1, n_bins);
    if (bin_index == n_bins - 1) {
        right_cdf += 1; // The right CDF must gain a 1 due to wrapping from right to left (it lost one (hopefully) saturated CDF)

    return right_cdf - left_cdf;

Exercise - 相机模型






  • O x y z O_{xyz} Oxyz 为相机坐标系
    • O O O 为摄像机的光心,也是针孔模型中的针孔
    • [right, down, forward],让 z 轴指向相机前方, x x x 向右, y y y 向下(不同的软件有自己的定义)
  • 现实世界的空间点 P P P,经过小孔 O O O 投影之后,落在物理成像平面 O x ′ y ′ z ′ ′ O'_{x'y'z'} Oxyz 上,像点为 P ′ P' P
    • P P P 的坐标: [ X , Y , Z ] T [X, Y, Z]^T [X,Y,Z]T
    • P ′ P' P的坐标: [ X ′ , Y ′ , Z ′ ] T [X', Y', Z']^T [X,Y,Z]T
  • 并且设物理成像平面到小孔的距离为 f f f(焦距)

Z f = − X X ′ = − Y Y ′ \frac{Z}{f} = -\frac{X}{X'} = -\frac{Y}{Y'} fZ=XX=YY


Z f = X X ′ = Y Y ′ \frac{Z}{f} = \frac{X}{X'} = \frac{Y}{Y'} fZ=XX=YY

{ X ′ = f X Z Y ′ = f Y Z \begin{cases}X' = f\frac{X}{Z}\\ \\ Y' = f\frac{Y}{Z} \end{cases} X=fZXY=fZY

#include <stdio.h>

int main()
    float focal = 0.5; // 500mm
    float Xreal = 2; // m
    float Yreal = 4; // m
    float Zreal = 6; // m

    float Xproj = focal * Xreal / Zreal;
    float Yproj = focal * Yreal / Zreal;

    printf("Point in 3D space: (X,Y,Z) = (%f, %f, %f)\n", Xreal, Yreal, Zreal);
    printf("Project to: (X',Y,focal) = (%f, %f, %f)\n", Xproj, Yproj, focal);

    return 0;



为了描述传感器将感受到的光线转换成图像像素的过程,我们设在物理成像平面上固定着一个像素平面 o-u-v。我们在像素平面得到了 P ′ P' P 的像素坐标: [ u , v ] T [u, v]^T [u,v]T

像素坐标系通常的定义方式是:原点 o ′ o' o位于图像的左上角, u u u 轴向右与 x x x 轴平行, v v v 轴向下与 y y y 轴平行。像素坐标系与成像平面之间,相差了

  • 一个缩放
    • 设像素坐标在 u u u 轴上缩放了 α α α
    • v v v 上缩放了 β β β
  • 一个原点的平移:设原点平移了 [ c x , c y ] T [c_x, c_y]^T [cx,cy]T

那么, P ′ P' P 的坐标与像素坐标 [ u , v ] T [u, v]^T [u,v]T 的关系为:

{ u = α X ′ + c x v = β Y ′ + c y \begin{cases} u = \alpha X' + c_x \\ v = \beta Y' + c_y\end{cases} {u=αX+cxv=βY+cy

#include <stdio.h>

int main()
    float focal = 0.5; // 500mm
    float alpha = 100;
    float beta  = 100;
    float cx    = 0.32; // 320mm
    float cy    = 0.24; // 2400mm

    float Xreal = 2; // m
    float Yreal = 4; // m
    float Zreal = 6; // m

    float Xproj = focal * Xreal / Zreal;
    float Yproj = focal * Yreal / Zreal;

    int u = alpha * Xproj + cx;
    int v = beta  * Yproj + cy;

    printf("Point in 3D space: (X,Y,Z) = (%f, %f, %f)\n", Xreal, Yreal, Zreal);
    printf("Project to: (X',Y,focal) = (%f, %f, %f)\n", Xproj, Yproj, focal);
    printf("Pixel coordinates: (u,v) = (%d, %d)\n", u, v);
    return 0;


{ X ′ = f X Z Y ′ = f Y Z \begin{cases}X' = f\frac{X}{Z}\\ \\ Y' = f\frac{Y}{Z} \end{cases} X=fZXY=fZY

{ u = α X ′ + c x v = β Y ′ + c y \begin{cases} u = \alpha X' + c_x \\ v = \beta Y' + c_y\end{cases} {u=αX+cxv=βY+cy
并把 α f \alpha f αf 合并成 f x f_x fx,把 β f \beta f βf 合并成 f y f_y fy,得:

{ u = f x X Z + c x v = f y Y Z + c y \begin{cases} u = f_x \frac{X}{Z} + c_x \\ v = f_y \frac{Y}{Z} + c_y\end{cases} {u=fxZX+cxv=fyZY+cy

  • X , Y , Z X,Y,Z XYZ:相机坐标的 X , Y , Z X,Y,Z XYZ(深度 depth)
  • f x , f y f_x,f_y fxfy:缩放系数和焦距的乘积
  • c x , c y c_x,c_y cxcy:中心偏移量
  • u , v u,v uv:像素坐标
#include <stdio.h>

int main()
    float focal = 0.5; // 500mm
    float alpha = 100;
    float beta  = 100;

    // Intrisic Parameters 相机内参
    float fx    = alpha * focal;
    float fy    = beta  * focal;
    float cx    = 0.32; // 320mm
    float cy    = 0.24; // 240mm

    float Xreal = 2; // m
    float Yreal = 4; // m
    float Zreal = 6; // m

    int u = fx * Xreal/Zreal + cx;
    int v = fy * Yreal/Zreal + cy;

    printf("Point in 3D space: (X,Y,Z) = (%f, %f, %f)\n", Xreal, Yreal, Zreal);
    printf("Pixel coordinates: (u,v) = (%d, %d)\n", u, v);
    return 0;